Thursday, October 20, 2011

We made it to Oklahoma!

The very evening we drove (yes we drove the 2,000 miles) into Oklahoma, this was the beautiful sunset that greeted us. Darling daughter and I were in awe of its beauty and she couldn't resist snapping a picture from the moving vehicle.
Once we got here, we stayed with my husbands family while we house hunted. They all showed us such hospitality and we are so very grateful. A week later we were moving into our home, getting the kiddos back in school, and doing all those crazy we've relocated type of things. It all really went pretty smoothly until a week or so after we were settling into the new place. Then one of our two fur babies became ill.
It was terrible and awful. She became ill on Friday, Saturday we tried getting her into a vet, however, because we were new to the area and weren't established with one yet no one would see her until Monday. The nearest pet hospital was just short of two hours away. Sunday she had really taken a turn for the worse so we decided not to wait until Monday and made the drive to OKC. Lucy didn't make it there though. She had a seizure and passed just before we arrived. To say we are deeply saddened is an understatement. We miss her and her spunky personality very much.
So we moved into this house three weeks ago today. It's been a whirlwind. Oklahoma is beautiful, the weather has been fabulous, and we really love the house we found, The kids are doing well in school, teachers only have nice things to say, and they are now on fall break. They have the rest of the week off from school. Darling daughter is spending her break taking traffic safety school. She is stoked to go get her permit next week. I'll leave you with a picture of darling daughter and some of her new friends who went to Homecoming dance together the first weekend we were here. McKena towards the front in the silver dress.

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